Can TV Shows Win the Oscars? (Answered)

TV shows have their own awards programs, but they are never nominated for the Oscars. The Oscars is an awards event that is reserved for motion picture awards. This does not mean that TV shows are not awarded different accolades for being top-tier during each production season. There is an entire list of different awards that TV shows can be put up to win at numerous awards shows.

What Kinds of TV Awards Can Shows Win?

There is a long list of awards events that TV shows are considered for. Some of them are very familiar to those who love to watch TV awards shows. The Critic’s Choice Television Award is for the best in television, and there are even Game Show Awards each year for the best game show.

The genre of the TV show can impact the awards that it is eligible for as well, which means that not every TV show will be put up to receive the same awards. Things like the Golden Globe Awards are the biggest ticket awards shows that all television creators want to be put up to win. However, there are also more niche awards that some TV is more targeted to, like the Humanitas Prize. This award is for TV that promotes human dignity, meaning, and freedom.

Perhaps the most familiar awards shod besides the Golden Globes are the MTV Movie and TV Awards. This is a popularity-based award, and lots of different kinds of TV shows are put up to win this award each year. Reality TV has its own award show for the best reality TV each year as well.

What is the Oscar Equivalent for TV Shows?

The Emmy Awards are the equivalent of the Oscars in film. This is one of the most prestigious awards that an actor or show can win, and many people dream of getting this kind of award during their careers. There are various categories of Emmy, and this might be the focus of an actor or producer’s entire career just to be recognized with an Emmy. 

Many professionals working in the TV and film industry will never come close to being nominated for an award of any kind. There are many, many people in this business who will be unsung heroes for their entire careers. Having more than one TV show award to win can help make it more likely, however, that talented people will get the recognition they deserve. 

Awards Shows Can Help Reward TV Show Popularity

While the prestige of some of the various TV show awards might not be as great as movies that win the Oscars, winning any award in the entertainment industry is a big deal. TV shows and those who star in them work hard all year long to be recognized for their achievements and hope one day to be able to win an award for their work. TV shows have a much longer list of awards that they can be put up to win, which can make this a great place for artists and actors to begin getting recognition for their craft.

This article was last updated on June 6, 2023 .

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