Do Monitors Help FPS? (Answered)

If you have one of the best laptops or computers on the market today, the misconception is that if you buy one of the best monitors on the market today, it would directly affect the fps (frames per second) of your video. Many people have been wondering do monitors help fps or do the quality of my monitor affect fps.

If we disregard the resolution of the monitor, it should not have any direct bearing on your fps!

If we disregard the resolution of the monitor, a monitor should not have any direct bearing on your fps. Since fps is mostly dictated by the GPU and CPU of your PC, you should only be worried about what fps is comfortable for your PC to run at. However, higher resolution on bad monitors could affect the fps you are running at.

How Does Your Monitor Affect FPS?

There are two main ways that your monitor would affect the fps of your PC. The resolution capabilities of the monitor and the refresh rate of the monitor would be the only two aspects to directly affect the fps of your PC.

Refresh Rate

Each monitor has a refresh rate, which is the rate at which images are being refreshed for display. The refresh rate does not directly affect the fps of your pc but could have an indirect effect. If the refresh rate is too low, it could put an upper limit on the refresh rate, which means you will have a lower refresh rate.


The resolution capabilities of your monitor are very important. Resolution refers to how many pixels are encapsulated in a single frame. The higher your resolution, the more pixels need to be rendered, which often takes more time. This could affect the fps and you might have a slower fps when it comes to higher resolutions.

Keep in mind that these two issues will not affect the fps generated by your PC, but mostly affect the final image you are seeing. Once you upgrade your monitor and buy one of the high-end options, you will notice much better fps, without some of the minor delays many might experience.

How Do Monitors Help FPS?

Essentially, a better monitor would render image pixels much faster, which means that the lag for higher fps rates will not slow down when the monitor is rendering an image. One thing you can do when it comes to improving your fps is to reduce the resolution on your monitor.

By reducing the resolution, the monitor would not need as much time to render an image, due to having fewer pixels that need to be rendered. Essentially, this speeds up the bottleneck in the process and will help images flow and create some consistency, albeit at the cost of good resolutions.


In essence, the monitor does not help the fps generated by your PC the fps would be the same on various monitors, but some of the features like refresh rate and resolution could affect whether there is a bottleneck in the fps and how it affects the image. Let us know in the comment section how your monitor might have affected fps.

This article was last updated on September 13, 2022 .

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By Adam

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