Can a TV Break From the Cold? (Answered)

Can a TV Break From the Cold (Answered)

If you have a TV that is outside or that is housed in a building that is not fully insulated, you might be wondering if your TV might suffer harm from being exposed to the cold. It can seem like modern TVs are pretty impervious to damage and breaking, but this is not actually the case. Older models of TV had some benefits as far as longevity that new models sometimes do not.

Your TV can actually break from being exposed to the cold. This is why you need to be sure that you are not placing televisions on walls that are not insulated. You will also need to bring your TV that is on your screened-in porch inside for the winter.

Why Does the Cold Cause TVs to Break?

TVs are actually made up of a lot of really delicate parts. You can’t see many of these parts of the TV when you are looking at the exterior of the device. However, there are many wires and connections that cannot tolerate cold inside of a TV. While short-term exposure to cold might not be an issue, extreme temperatures, even for a short time, can cause your TV to stop working. 

Make sure that you do not consider storing your TV in an attic or a basement where there is cold and wet during some parts of the year. For plasma TVs, this is less of an issue, but even they will start to break down at about 32 degrees F and below. 

The only TVs that are not usually impacted significantly by the cold are LED TVs. However, there is still the risk that the wiring and some of the other parts of the TV can be damaged by the shift in temperatures, even if the LEDs that make the screen function are not.

What Temperature Should I Store a TV at?

Make sure that you store or use your TV in a location that remains above 32 degrees F, and that does not get any hotter than 115 degrees F. Some TVs can be stored successfully at colder and hotter temperatures than this, but they should not be operated under extreme conditions. Make sure that you bring your TV into a climate-controlled area and allow it to cool down or warm up to this more favorable temperature before you turn it on. You will prevent damage to the wiring and bulbs by taking this important step.

Storing or Using a TV in the Cold is a Bad Idea

There are many reasons that you should avoid storing or using a television in extreme weather conditions. Making sure that your TV does not get too hot or too cold will prolong its lifespan and prevent issues that could cause it to break later on, even with normal use. You will have the best luck with your TV if you keep it close to a comfortable room temperature at all times.

This article was last updated on January 9, 2023 .

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