Different parts of the world enjoy different access to TV. There are tons of channels to enjoy in the US, but many other parts of the world make do with far fewer TV channels. In North Korea, there are actually very few TV channels. There are four major channels that broadcast TV, but they do not show the kinds of programming that are enjoyed by those in many other countries.
North Korea currently has four TV channels which are Korean Central Television, Mansudae, Athletic Television, and Ryongnamsan. TV channels are set up not to pick up broadcasting from South Korea or other parts of the world, either.
What Kinds of TV Can North Koreans Watch?
Educational and sports-related TV is the most commonly shown TV for two of the channels that North Korea gives citizens access to. There is very little TV that is just for entertainment, and certainly, TV from the US and Canada is not shown here.
Weather forecasting has become more accurate over the past ten years, and there are programs that talk about the possibility of storms and provide local information about weather these days as well. The economic impact of some factors is discussed very loosely with citizens, but there is no real news programming as people in many other countries would consider to be familiar and commonplace.
Why Are TV Channels So Minimal?
There are many reasons that this part of the world enjoys limited access to TV. Countries like North Korea don’t support programming that is considered to be frivolous and do not always believe that citizens need to know about world events. The considerations that are discussed are mostly related to things that impact North Koreans only.
Many of these kinds of countries are also primarily concerned with nationalistic programming and are more likely to show sports and other kinds of achievement-based content. There are many of these channels offered around the world, but they are not always as large of a focus as compared to other kinds of programming.
TV in North Korea is Different Than in Other Parts of the World
If you had not been aware of the differences in the way that TV is enjoyed in other parts of the world, this discussion should have been enlightening. There are many reasons that North Korea utilizes TV in a different way than many other cultures all around the world. These differences are important to know about when considering how people all around the world gain access to information.
This article was last updated on September 5, 2023 .